Putting People and the Planet First

world in a hand being passed to another hand on a green background Image by Dorothe from Pixabay


“Yes of course, this managed service provider has ISO 9001:2015, ISO 27001:2013, Cyber Essentials and all their practices for IT service management follow rigid ITIL processes but it’s the people and making the world a better place that drives them forward.”

Original article published in The Daily Telegraph, Business Guide

If that headline made you continue reading, then maybe your values and purposes are aligned with IT Naturally’s. 

The MSP is eagerly awaiting news of its B Corp application, a certification that will show the high standards it sets across a range of factors including its people and the planet. 

In 2022, the UN said the tech industry’s carbon footprint was between 2% to 3% but research shows this is growing rapidly. So, the sector has a huge responsibility when it comes to sustainability.  

So how do you balance the need for your IT systems to just work while reducing its environmental impact? 

 Here are 3 things to consider: 

  1. Optimise your storage: For example, don’t have countless backups in place of the same thing. IT Naturally recommend you apply the 3-2-1 rule of backup: 3 sets of data, (production and 2 copies), 2 backup copies, 1 backup copy in a geographically separate location (this could be in another cloud) 
  2. Optimise your Cloud: Migrate to a more sustainable provider, remove apps and programmes you are not using, to help the planet and reduce your costs.
  3. Reduce your e-waste. In 2019, 53.6 million tons was produced, a rise of 21% in five years. If every one of us in the UK sent one less email a day, it’s reported we would save 16,433 tonnes of carbon a year – the same as 81,152 flights to Madrid. 

These steps are all part of the ‘IT Naturally Way’ an MSP who has created a culture of efficiency across their company alongside their human-centric attitude.  

Yes of course, this managed service provider has ISO 9001:2015, ISO 27001:2013, Cyber Essentials and all their practices for IT service management follow rigid ITIL processes but it’s the people and making the world a better place that drives them forward.  

When it comes to people, they all come first. Customers receive the highest levels of service which is consistently rewarded with a high NPS score of 90, when the industry average is 42. 

Their team get a vast array of benefits, including an unlimited training budget for everyone and time each week to learn through LinkedIn Learning. 

That’s the IT Naturally way.