5 Simple Ways to Stop Phishing Attacks


“More than 90% of all cyber-attacks start with a phishing email. It’s the most successful and dangerous of all cyber-attacks.

Having an advanced email security solution, with IRONSCALES or Proofpoint, will significantly reduce the amount of phishing attacks reaching your employees.”

If there is one cybercrime that you and your teams need to be aware if its phishing. 

Phishing attacks are the most common form, with an estimated 3.4 billion emails a day sent by cyber criminals, designed to look like they come from trusted senders. Just because they are common doesn’t mean they aren’t sophisticated, in fact just the opposite, the cybercriminal is always finding new ways to trick us.  

The CEO of our cyber security partner IRONSCALES talks about how the age of GenAI has changed the face of phishing. 

We want you to make sure your company’s cyber defences are as strong as they can be so here are:

5 Simple Ways to Stop Phishing Attacks

Think Before You Click:

Just take a moment before you act. More than 90% of all cyber-attacks start with a phishing email. It’s the most successful and dangerous of all cyber-attacks. A phishing email will often come from an address that appears to be genuine, but criminals aim to trick recipients by including the name of a legitimate company within the structure of email and web addresses. Study the email carefully, look closely for any abnormalities in the sender’s address, hover over the link to get a closer look at the destination URL.

Use Multi-Factor Authentication

Around 1.2 million accounts are being compromised every month according to Microsoft and they say none of these were using multi-factor authentication. Using MFA, together with creating strong passwords and storing these in a password vault will increase your cybersecurity. If you think your account may have been breached, you can check your email accounts here and you can also look up passwords.

Get Anti-Phishing Add-Ons For FREE

What’s not to love, they’re free and will help you spot a malicious website. You need to have these installed on every device in your company. Here are a few recommendations of anti-phishing add-ons for your browser:

Bitdefender TrafficLight (Chrome, Firefox and Safari)
Avast Online Security (Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Opera)
Avira Browser Safety (Chrome, Firefox and Opera)

Install a Next-Generation Firewall

As the threat from cyber criminals grows rapidly, standard firewalls are no longer enough to keep them out. A next-generation firewall (NGFW) is now essential for full protection against hackers and malware when it comes to network security.

Use an Advanced Email Security Solution

Having an advanced email security solution, with IRONSCALES or Proofpoint, will significantly reduce the amount of phishing attacks reaching your employees. These tools also help IT security staff detect both the sources and their targets. It allows them to react quickly to stop any further damage in case a breach has occurred. 

Our partner IRONSCALES is the first and only email security solution powered by artificial intelligence and human insights. Phishing is a human + machine created problem that is best solved with a human + machine solution. We’ve got the humans. IRONSCALES has the machine solution. 

Even if your company maintains controls to help protect its networks and computers from cyber threats, you should also remember your employees are the first line of defence – training in the form of simulation is crucial to keep your employees’ alert.

Phishing attacks are the biggest threat your company faces today. If you need help, then please get in touch so we can help you control those CEO impersonation emails and train your team to know what to look out for in very realistic simulations. 


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